About Me

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I'm a foodie and an amateur chef. I love to cook and to learn all I can about food! I believe that food is very powerful. It can bring people closer together, and it can also destroy relationships. I'm serious! P.S.- I can't stand doing the dishes!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Making the Switch

Hello Fellow Eaters,

After some consideration, I have decided to move my blog to WordPress. Thank you to all those who advised me during this transition. I have enjoyed my time on Blogger and, no worries all of my old posts, my wonderful readers, and their sweet comments will be transferred as well. So, don't forget to check out my blog (and let me know what you think) at it's new location! I look forward to seeing you all there. [Oh and please bear with me as I tweak the new site to make it more enjoyable for you all to read] Pass on the word!

Much love,